Sunday 7th july

Thea & The Wild

On Friday 31 May, Thea & The Wild released their interpretation of the song "Bysommer" by Lillebjørn Nilsen, before she embarks on a summer tour with a brand new commissioned work for MiniØya at some of the country's leading music festivals.

Wednesday 10th july

Ingrid Olava

Ingrid Olava has sung her way into our hearts and has long since consolidated her position among the country's most substantial and important artists.

Thursday 11th july

Darling West

West coast pop, cosmic folk, Americana, call it what you want - there are even touches of desert blues - Darling West is about musical joy and communication skills, humor and vulnerability, and they hereby invite you into their universe.

Saturday 13th july

Signe Marie Rustad

After releasing her long-awaited fourth album, "Particles of Faith" in 2023 to rave reviews, we are delighted to be able to welcome Signe Marie Rustad to Langkaia and SALT during this year's Bysommer festival.

Tuesday 16th july

Bare Egil Band

Bare Egil Band is known for its humorous and ironic approach to music, with norwegian lyrics ranging from the absurd to the political. As usual, there will be acoustic guitar playing and a singing style that ranges from mumbling to screaming. But it will be entertaining! Enough!

Wednesday 17th july

Jonas Alaska

Jonas Alaska is one of his generation's strongest songwriters in this country, and is behind a number of unforgettable songs. Now you have the chance to experience Alaska alone on stage, where he thrives best, for an intimate and enjoyable evening with all new and old hits straight from the man who wrote them.

Thursday 18th july


Any introduction is really superfluous. Whether it's VG or Dagbladet, rap fans or mothers-in-law, festival-goers or security guards - everyone knows OnklP. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who knows him.

Friday 19th july

Øystein Greni

In the wake of Bigbang's new album "Le Californie" and between two busy festival summers, Øystein Greni takes it all down a notch and presents Bigbang in solo format. After a long career as a band leader and songwriter, Greni has a back catalog that is rare, filled with songs and guitar riffs that will live forever in Norwegian music.

Saturday 20th july

Tommy Tee

Norwegian hip-hop's godfather Tommy Tee is coming to SALT! At Bysommer you can expect a solid line-up of guests from the best who have visited Tommy Tee's studio in the last 25 years, and of course MAE with the legendary song "Oslo"!

Tuesday 23rd july


With three-part vocals, rap, a good dose of humor and a twinkle in the eye, Klossmajor are now ready with their second album and tour! Groovy, feelgood and chill, the three vocalists sing about growing up, love and relationships.

Wednesday 24th july

Tre små kinesere

A concert with Tre Små Kinesere is quite a different experience than sitting at home whistling to the records. In his home town of Trondheim, it is almost impossible to hear the band over the crowd's chants, which the last concerts, including Olavshallen, were yet another proof of.

Thursday 25th july

Noora Noor

Noora says that it is on stage that she feels at home, and time and time again garners glowing reviews for her concerts. After a long period of silence, she is finally back with new music this autumn and a selection of concerts.

Friday 26th july


Ævestaden is long chorales, modern lyrics, pop songs and a soundscape that is not afraid of either the clean, dirty, electronic or traditional. With the traditional and the modern linked together, the group quickly gained a place on the folk music scene - and over time the attention has expanded.

Saturday 27th july

Erlend Ropstad

Erlend Ropstad has steadily climbed to the top of Norwegian rock. Together with his band, for the past 10 years he has played festivals and clubs all over the country on bigger and bigger stages, and all the music he has released has received brilliant reception and usually one or two norwegian grammy nominations.